My reflection, possibly the thing I hate the most about being fat. I know I'm not ugly, but I'm soooo aware that my potential prettiness is disguised by the 12 stone odd of excess fat I'm carrying. The why am I doing this post I made the other day started this, but here I'm going to think about the things I hate the most about being fat. These will become my reasons to lose weight and I will refer to it everytime I contemplate visiting just eat, just having "one more" portion or sugar in my tea! These are in no particular order, just random musings. Do you agree with any?
Plus size clothes. Is it just me or are they all just bobbins? Evans seems to make clothes for chavvy teenagers or 60 year old women. On the rare occasion I find something that I like I need to remortgage my house to afford it AND THEN it only lasts two washes! Grrrrr rant over. I cannot wait for the day when I have more choice in what I wear. To be able to by clothes because I love them and not because they fit is a dream!
Plane Seats. Not only am I fat, I'm also almost six feet tall. Plane seats are my biggest nightmare. I live in fear that I'll be asked to get off, or pay for two seats. Now I can normally just manage to squeeze into a seat but its no fun for me and I hate it if I'm sat next to someone who I don't know. I love travelling and seeing the world and with the rise of cheap flights its soooo accessible. However generally the cheaper the plane the smaller the seat and I'm not even going to risk squeezing my fat ass into a cheapo airline seat.
Exercise. I know how good exercise is for you and believe me, if I've done some I feel amazing! However I hate how much it hurts, how much effort it is. I'm not talking about running marathons here, just simple things like running for a bus or climbing the two flights of stairs to my flat. I also really love to swim. I used to live in a house where there was a private swimming pool - incidentally I was my lowest weight ever at that time. I long to don my swimming costume and
High Heels I love shoes. There I admitted it. I probably love shoes more than chocolate. My fave are Carrie Bradshaw esque high heeled lovlies. However since I put on weight I find them almost impossible to wear. They HURT! My ankles scream in pain, my little toes almost sob and the balls of my feet waver under the agony of the pressure of all my mass bearing down upon them. I think the second I get to goal weight I'm going to get a pair of these and wear them 24/7.
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Goal Shoes! |
Snoring. This one is embarrassing. I hate the fact that I snore, I don't dare sleep at anyone elses home. And spending the night with a new man fills me with terror. Lying there trying to make sure I don't fall asleep before him and then feeling the inevitable nudge and a crushing whisper of "baby you're snoring," is possibly the most devastating thing on earth. I've spent nights with men to wake up and find them asleep on the sofa. No more!
does being over weight make u snore? i have never snored but recently my fiance has been teasing me that im snoring!!! could this be the reason why!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah apparently so. I went to the Dr about it as a significant ex got a bit upset about sleep deprivation. It may not be the only factor but it contributes greatly. not good is it? x